June 30, 2015

in  the  garden

June 29, 2015

Driving  home  from  Barkerville

Anne  took  these  photos  at  Harper  Ranch

click  on  photos  to  enlarge

Gold  in  the  Cariboo  -  Barkerville  Days

click  on  photos  to  enlarge

Replica of the old Cornish Waterwheel

a great drama piece by this fellow - he put on a truly genuine & enjoyable show
he knew Fred Ludditt and understood Fred's contribution to the development of Barkerville in the past and as it is today

Williams Creek where much of the initial 1860's gold was found

These are old Hydraulic Monitors used to wash out the fine particles and gold nuggets.
Fred Ludditt used these huge hydraulic tools to wash the gold from his claims from the 1930s to 1950s.
My father worked with Fred on Williams Creek and Grouse Creek, staking claims and mining gold in the early 1950's.


Hiking up the trail to the Headbox and Penstock, which would catch and draw water down to the Hydraulic Monitors,
and the water would move under great pressure through the Monitors
to wash gold out of the gravel and cleaned out of the sluice boxes.

this is the kind mountain terrain where Betty and I - and Karin and Frank - roamed during our childhood

a panoramic view of Barkerville from above


water was directed down through the Penstock to the hydarulic hoses where, under great pressure,
it was used to wash the gold from the gravel and rock burden


books by

Fred  Ludditt