walking the old Cariboo Wagon Road along east ridge heading into Barkerville
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Neil Vant, former Anglican minister at Barkerville, and his wife Jeanne.
Neil was also a Socred MLA for the Cariboo area from 1986 - 1991. We had a very fine conversation with Neil and Jeanne.
They knew Fred & Esther Ludditt & Karin and were delighted to engage in conversation about former days.
the Vant's also lived in 100 Mile House & they knew Martin & Lillian Cecil quite well
the old Methodist Church
Theatre Royal
Ludditt's old home and office, where we lived with them in 1962 - now the Bakery
When I was 12 years old I was warned by Uncle Fred not to jump off the roof into the snow
but I jumped off this roof on the right anyway, and I hit a log under the deep snow and broke my ankle,
and for hours I pretended I wasn't injured, and Betty and Karen walked the streets of Barkerville with me;
but it was too painful and eventually I confessed my predicament to my Mother
and I spent a night in the Wells Hospital and got a cast on my foot
looking north toward the Richfield Courthouse, one half hour walk up the road
to the left, Harold Garden's old cabin - to the right, Fred Ludditt's old house
outside & inside Harold Garden's cabin - owned later by Fred Ludditt, who was a good friend of Harold